25 March 2010

What is this all for?

Oh dear oh dear oh dear... truthfully a few colourful french words could be right on the dot to how I m feeling at the moment. And how can one design and feel insprired whilst in this mindframe? My designs are going well, so are the theory resarch submissions, and thankfully i havent failed anything yet, BUT! but there is FRASTRARTION... and i need to vent!
What are our varisty fees paying for?! Its rediculas, we hardly see our lectureres, if we do, its such as short amount of time, 10 minutes a week, that we cant explain and produce our design process and receive a crit that will help within 4 minites! We dont get printed out notes, briefs or textbooks, we dont get plotting credits and we dont get software (that works!) Why pay R10 000?
AT the moment I am trying to once agian load 3D MAX onto my PC - and it fails. No one else can get the 2009 MAX to work... I havent slept, and yes - in a bad mood. How am I going to submit my 3D MAX tut when I cant get the programme to work... Im going to make some coffee, have a chocolate muffin and out my thinking cap on....